Current Research Projects
Some research is long-term and ongoing, while other projects are short term.

Undocumented Needs Assessment Survey (Ongoing)
We aim to gather information from undocumented families across Alberta in order to understand what resources are available and what is still needed.
Nuestro objetivo es recopilar información de familias sin estatus en Alberta para comprender qué recursos están disponibles y qué aún se necesita.
Direct Care Work and Occupational Health and Safety
Comparing the experiences of unionized and non-unionized personal support workers, health-care aides, and in-home care providers.

Toolkit for Undocumented Workers in Edmonton (Ongoing)
We aim to support residents of Edmonton with precarious immigration status in accessing necessary services. Toolkit resources are integrated into the Education section of this website and are updated periodically.
Nuestro objetivo es ayudar a los residentes de Edmonton sin estatus a acceder a los servicios necesarios. Los recursos del toolkit están integrados en la sección Educación de este sitio web y se actualizan periódicamente.